Wealthy Spritual Classy and Kinky

Beloveds – Kink is rising to the collective surface again (it has always been present, but there are cycles where this wave truly rises). We’re noticing the topic coming up with more and more frequency in our Masterminds and Courses. There is a deeper...

Life Embodied

I don’t believe in the Hustle That’s not how I’ve built seven figures That’s not how I’ll teach you to do it. I believe in Life- EMBODIED. Juicy Presenceful Potent Fertile When you build, create, manifest, expand in ANY WAY from a place of embodiment EVERYTHING...


I have always been enamored of the human form. Always found it fascinating…particularly the female body. So many transitions. Each month an initiation. Each era in a woman’s life a rarified event. As I walked through life and experience no matter what was going on -my...


Husbands or Husbands to Be- Allow me to speak to you on behalf of your wife. That which she is shy and hesitant to say and which she may not have words to speak. It is VITAL for a happy marriage that you not only develop a deep and wide knowledge concerning sexual...