Jan 8, 2023

Wealthy Spritual Classy and Kinky

Beloveds – Kink is rising to the collective surface again (it has always been present, but there are cycles where this wave truly rises). We’re noticing the topic coming up with more and more frequency in our Masterminds and Courses.
There is a deeper reason than just people wanting to get their freak on.
It is a portal for rich and deep Transformation when you know what you’re doing.
And a hot mess when you don’t.
We don’t often mention here our combined 60+ years involvement in this space…and 20+ years teaching writing and multiple awards.
We only mention it when it serves you to know whose speaking and when it can be of service.
Allow me to offer a PSA and a few tips:
• Someone knowing ABOUT BDSM doesn’t make them an expert.
• Learn how to vet your mentors and teachers.
• Someone being an expert in kink doesn’t mean they know anything about Authority transfer or other Hierarchal dynamics (we teach both and SPECIALIZE in the latter…, especially for those in committed and marital dynamics)
• Weekend players and Lifestylers are VERY different
• Fetlife is not real life …sorry not sorry.
• If you want to learn, I suggest finding someone who’s been into whatever you’re into -preferably over 20 years but at least more than 12 (everything changed RAPIDLY after 50 shades)
• The “community” is not the lifestyle, nor is it Kinky Disney. It is not necessary in order to pursue your proclivities.
• We are an excellent resource. And we have receipts.
• Observation is not expertise.
• Courses on how to behave within the community for the community and teachings on how to implement and engage within your OWN personal dynamic are VERY different. While we’ve taught both we are GENIUSES at the latter.
• My Beloved has informed me we’re coming out with our own series of classes with a NON FB community for privacy -shortly.

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